Sector Focus
Social infrastructure
Improving access to affordable, sustainably designed and constructed housing is essential to uplift the quality of life of millions of people across Africa.
Transmission and distribution
Expanding access to affordable, reliable and low-carbon power is essential to the continent’s transformation. Energy projects supported by EAIF include solar and hydro power developments as well as Paris-aligned gas projects.
Digital communications infrastructure
Africa has embraced the digital economy and demand for improved connectivity remains high, as mobile platforms become core tools of trade, business, education, healthcare and financial services. Investments in data centres are becoming increasingly important as the volume of data proliferates, enabled by better towers, satellites and cable infrastructure.
Renewable energy
Affordable access to clean, fresh water and sanitation is vital to human life, good health and productivity. Water also improves agricultural output and as a transport vector and energy source, it creates new economic opportunities across multiple sectors.
Logistics and warehousing
Economic development is more sustainable when a country can produce the goods and services needed to create quality infrastructure. EAIF is boosting African resilience by building local capacity to produce cement, roofing materials and steel bars for construction.
Bulk storage
Many parts of Africa have abundant reserves of natural gas. Creating Paris-aligned infrastructure to bring gas to power stations, factories, public services, shops, hotels and homes converts locally available natural resources to long-term productive use.
Reliable and efficient transport and logistics infrastructure opens up markets, creates opportunities for enterprise, access to work, education and public services and brings urban and rural communities closer. EAIF invests in border post, port, aviation, water and rail infrastructure to keep African economies moving and growing.
Infrastructure supporting agriculture and mining
Transforming the productivity of African agriculture and strengthening food security means creating the infrastructure to support more robust rural economies. EAIF is building domestic fertiliser production capacity and enabling domestic biofuel production.